
This list will be constantly evolving throughout the research process and does not claim to ever be complete. If you have any reading suggestions, feel free to comment or send me a message!


_Bollier, D. (2014): Think Like A Commoner. Gabriola: New Society Publishers.
_Linebaugh, P. (2008): The Magna Carta Manifesto. Liberties And Commons For All. Berkeley: University of California Press.
_De Angelis (2017): Omnia Sunt Communia. On the Commons and the Transformation to Postcapitalism. London: Zed Books.
_De Angelis, M., Stavrides, S. with An Architektur “On the Commons: A Public Interview with Massimo de Angelis and Stravros Stavrides.” e-flux Online journal 17 (2010). Accessed 18 May 2016,
_Franz, F., Elzenbaumer, B. (2016): “Commons & community economies: entry points to design for eco-social justice?” 2016 Design Research Society, 50th Anniversary Conference. Free pdf available here.
_Federici, S. Caffentzis, G. (2014): “Commons Against and Beyond Capitalism,” Community Development Journal Vol. 49 No S1, pp. i92–i105. Free pdf available here.
_Helfrich, S., Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (eds.) (2014) Commons – Für eine Politik jenseits von Markt und Staat. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. (The Commons – For a politics beyond market and state, translated by author of this website.)

_Elzenbaumer, B. (2013) “Designing Economic Cultures. Cultivating socially and politically engaged design practices against procedures of precarisation.” PhD diss. University of London.
_Gibson-Graham, J.K., Cameron, J., Healy, S. (2013): Take Back The Economy – An Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
_Gibson-Graham, J.K. & Miller, E., “Economy as Ecological Livelihood” in Manifesto for the Living in the Anthropocene, edited by Katherine Gibson, Deborah Bird Rose, and Ruth Fincher. Brooklyn, NY: Punctum Books, 2015. Free pdf available here.
_Habermann, F. (2016): Ecommony – UmCARE zum Miteinander. Sulzbach am Taunus: Ulrike Helmer Verlag. (Ecommony – Turn to social cooperation, translated by author of this website.)
_Kratzwald, B. (2014): Das Ganze des Lebens. Selbstorganisation zwischen Lust und Notwendigkeit. (The Whole of Life. Self-organisation between joy and necessity, translated by author of this website.) Sulzbach/Taunus: Ulrike Helmer Verlag.
_Praetorius, I. (2015): Wirtschaft ist Care. Oder: Die Wiederentdeckung des Selbstverständlichen (Economy is care. Or: The rediscovery of implicitness, translated by author of this website.) Berlin: Heinrich Böll Stiftung. Downloadable for free here.
_Blaschke, R., Praetorius, I., Schrupp, A. eds. (2016): Das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen. Feministische und postpatriarchale Perspektiven. (The unconditional income. Feminist and postpatriarchic perspectives, translated by author of this website.) Sulzbach/Taunus: Ulrike Helmer Verlag.
_Vaughan, G. (2007): For-Giving: A Feminist Criticism of Exchange. Plain View Press. Downloadable for free here.
_Mason, P. (2015): Postcapitalism. A Guide to Our Future. London: Penguin Books.

_Fry, T. (2009): Design Futuring. Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice. Oxford: Berg Publishers.
_Fuad-Luke, A. (2009): Design Activism. Beautiful Strangeness for A Sustainable World. London: Earthscan.
_Fuad-Luke, A., Hirscher, A.-L., Moebus, K. eds. (2015): Agents of Alternatives – Re-designing Our Realities. Berlin: AoA. Downloadable for free here.
_Jonas, W.  Zerwas, S., von Anshelm, K. (2015): Transformation Design. Perspectives on a New Design Attitude. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag.
_Manzini, E. (2015): Design, when everybody designs. An introduction to Design for Social Innovation. Cambridge: MIT Press.
_Schwarz, M. & Krabbendam, D. (2013): Sustainist Design Guide. How sharing, localism, connectedness and proportionality are creating a new agenda for social design. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers.

_Baldauf, A., Gruber, S., Hille, M., Krauss, A., Miller, V., Verlic, M., Wang, H.-K., Wieger, J. eds (2017): Spaces of Commoning. Artistic Research and the Utopia of the Everyday. Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien/Sternberg Press Berlin.
_Pelger, D., Kaspar, A., Stollmann, J. eds. (2016): Spatial Commons. Städtische Freiräume als Ressource. Berlin: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin.
_Petrescu, D., Petcou, C., Awan, N. eds. (2010) Trans-local act. Cultural Practices Within and Across. aaa/prerav.
_Stavrides, S. (2016): Common Space. The City as Commons. London: Zed Books.

_Can We Do It Ourselves? Documentary. Directed by Patrik Witkowsky, written by André Nyström, Nils Säfström, Patrik Witkowsky. Sweden 2015.
_This Changes Everything. Documentary. Directed by Avi Lewis, written by Naomi Klein. Canada | USA 2015.
_Creating Freedom: The Lottery of Birth. Directed by Raoul Martinez & Joshua van Praag, written by Raoul Martinez. UK | USA 2013.

More to follow…