Community Economies Practice exchange in Rovereto
After a break day in Berlin, our journey went on towards the south – Rovereto. Our collective project Common(s)Lab was invited by Nomi-based design practice Brave New Alps to join a 5 days get-together of artists, designers and economic geographers working with community and diverse economies in their practices as researchers and creative practitioners. The event was organised by Bianca Elzenbaumer as part of her Marie Sklodowska-Curie research project she is currently developing in Bolzano, hosted by the EURAC Research centre.
Next to us, the following initiatives, practitioners and researchers were present:
Company Drinks (UK)
Cube Cola (UK)
Trajna (SLO)
Community Economies Institute (AUS)
Radical Intention (IT)
Nathalia Romnik (PL)
Center for Possible Economies (UK/PL)
Ingrid Bale (UK)
Dolomit Learning (Valle dei Laghi)
Comunità Frizzante (Vallagarina)
comun’Orto (Rovereto)
MA in Eco-Social Design (Bolzano)
Thoughts and ideas were exchanged in a diverse range of formats – 3 minute presentations, a pro-action café, silent conversations, and the like. At the end of the seminar, we discussed next steps and how to strengthen each other through a mutual network based on the idea of interdependence (see photo below). In a next meeting, taking place in Berlin in mid-November, we will get together again to draft a charter for the network – so stay tuned for news!
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